Lower Back Pain When Coughing
Lower back pain may be mild or severe. However, some factors may make mild lower back pain noticeable or worsen your condition. One such condition is coughing. Your back pain may become more pronounced or cause more discomfort when you cough due to the mechanics of the lumbar region (lower back area). When you cough, your body may lean forward with your shoulders hunching. This position can put additional pressure and stress on your back, affecting your vertebrae, spinal bones, and other organs in the lumbar region.
This article will explore the causes of lower back pain when coughing and how physical therapy at Cartier Physiotherapy can help.
How Does Coughing Affect the Lower Back?
Coughing is a reflex action that protects the airways by clearing out foreign substances and irritants blocking the airways. This action employs organs, such as the diaphragm, abdominal, intercostal, and larynx muscles. While coughing is a normal bodily function, it may trigger back pain or worsen existing back pain. How does coughing affect the lower back?
The force of excessive or violent coughing can strain the lower back muscles, leading to discomfort and pain. Strained lower back muscles may become inflamed, leading to more pain in the lower back when you cough. Involuntary contraction of the lower back muscles can also lead to stabbing pain in your lower back when coughing. These muscle spasms may be triggered by your cough, worsening your back pain. A violent cough can also irritate already inflamed or arthritic facet joints in the spine, causing more pain.
Repetitive and excessive coughing may put undue pressure on the spine. Since this reflex action employs the abdominal muscles, it may increase intra-abdominal pressure, increasing pressure on the spinal discs. Individuals who already suffer from spinal conditions may notice an increase in the severity of their symptoms, such as pain and discomfort. Coughing may also worsen lower back pain by increasing the pressure on the sciatic nerve for people already suffering from sciatica.
Causes of Lower Back Pain When Coughing
The following are possible causes of pain in your lower back when coughing:
Bulging Discs
There are rubbery discs between each vertebrae of the spine. These intervertebral discs are filled with gel-like fluid, acting as shock absorbers and allowing for slight mobility and flexibility. However, these discs may lose their protective features if they slip out of place or rupture, exposing the nucleus. When this happens, the disc is said to be bulge. While a bulging disc may occur anywhere in the spine, it commonly occurs in the lower back region. Repetitive coughing may worsen lower back pain due to a herniated disc.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a condition that occurs commonly in the neck and lower back. It occurs when the space around the spinal cord becomes too small, putting excessive pressure on the spinal cord and other nerves that travel through the spine. Spinal stenosis is commonly caused by age-related deterioration. However, excessive and repetitive coughing may worsen the pain and discomfort associated with spinal stenosis.
The sciatic nerve is a major nerve of the lower limb that extends from the end of the spinal cord. Since the nerve is present in the lumbar region, it can suffer from conditions that affect the lower back. Lower back conditions that affect the sciatic nerve include herniated discs, degenerative disc diseases, injuries, osteoarthritis, tumors, pregnancy, etc. These conditions may irritate, inflame, pinch, and compress the sciatic nerve, causing weakness, numbness, tingling, and pain that radiates from the lower back down one or both legs. Coughing can make sciatica symptoms worse.
Poor Posture
Aside from medical conditions, lifestyle factors like posture can trigger or worsen lower back pain when you cough. Maintaining poor posture while sitting, standing, or performing other activities can strain and weaken the lower back muscles. Coughing may trigger pain in already weakened and strained lower back muscles.
Lung Cancer
While this condition is rare, it may be the reason you experience lower back pain when coughing. If it is left undiscovered for long, lung cancer can spread to the spine, causing lower back pain. Since coughing is one of the most common symptoms of lung cancer, you may discover that your back hurts if your condition has progressed.
Treatment Methods for Lower Back Pain When Coughing
There are several treatment options for lower back pain. These include rest and home remedies like over-the-counter pain relief, lifestyle changes, etc. However, some methods are more effective, less invasive, and less likely to cause future complications. One of the most effective treatment options for coughing that hurts the lower back is physical therapy in Austin, TX.
The Role of Physical Therapy in Back Pain Relief in Austin, TX
Physical therapy employs several techniques to improve function, prevent future problems, and manage or relieve back pain after coughing. The following are the things you should expect during physical therapy for back pain in Austin, TX:
Initial Evaluation
This is the first step a physical therapist takes during physical therapy at Austin to relieve lower back pain. This comprehensive assessment may include a medical history review, physical examination, and other diagnostic tests to determine the cause and severity of back pain, as well as the best treatment approach. The results of this assessment will be used to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
Pain Relief Techniques
The discomfort associated with lower back pain when coughing may be unbearable. It may prevent you from comfortably moving around and performing other basic daily activities, leading to a sedentary lifestyle and a rapid decrease in quality of life. Therefore, physical therapists in Austin, TX, will focus on eradicating your lower back pain by employing physical therapy techniques and modalities, such as manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, electrical stimulation, etc.
Therapeutic Exercises
These refer to movements and physical activities that physical therapists design to restore function and flexibility, improve strength, and relieve pain. During physical therapy for lower back pain when coughing, your therapist may recommend exercise therapy to strengthen your core muscle and improve your overall fitness without straining your back further. Types of exercises that your therapist may recommend for lower back pain include stretching, strengthening, and aerobic exercises.
Postural and Ergonomics Training
You may also have to undergo postural and ergonomic training, especially if your lower back pain when you cough is due to poor posture and improper home or workplace setup. During physical therapy for back pain, you may be taught the proper body mechanics while standing, sitting, or performing other activities to reduce the strain on your back. Physical therapists may also assess your home and workplace environment, making adjustments when necessary.
Patient Education
Physical therapists educate their patients on why they feel pain in their lower back when they cough. They also equip their patients with self-management strategies to help manage pain and prevent future occurrences.
Lower back pain in any form can be frustrating, especially when it occurs periodically when you cough. This condition may be due to several factors, limiting mobility and physical function. With time, lower back pain may significantly reduce your quality of life. However, physical therapy offers a noninvasive yet effective treatment option. If you are suffering from Back Pain Relief In Austin, Tx triggered by a cough, you should consider undergoing physical therapy at Carter Physiotherapy.
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